Monday, December 26, 2011



I send you all the warmest holiday greetings and trust that you had a blessed Christmas day! Very soon we will be bringing in the New Year and with that excitement for the year of possibilities ahead. I write to you today to tell you about some exciting news in my life that I want to share with you.

Recently I have started studies at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. This is in New York City and while I have not moved to New York I am taking part in a year long online study right from my own home in Abilene, Kansas. I am studying to become a certified holistic health coach. This year program will equip me to start my own business and counsel clients to lead a healthier lifestyle. The options are really endless as far as what I could do with this certification. This is exciting; however, at this point I am uncertain where it will lead me. 

Currently, I am learning a background of over 100 different health ideas and gaining skills to set up my own business and counsel individual clients. As most of you already know, I have been involved in nutrition education for several years now and have been one of those food snobs for quite some time. I'm enjoying learning a lot about holistic health and how many different aspects of life affect our overall wellness. This includes a discussion of the importance of relationships, career satisfaction, physical activity, and spirituality as critical components to our health and wellness. 

I tell you all this because I hope to gain your support in this new endeavor. In the near future I will need to practice completing health histories which are the first step consultations we complete with prospective clients. If you are interested I would love to chat with you about your health and assist you in meeting your own wellness goals. Even if you never wish to receive my health encouragement, I accept your encouragement as I complete this new endeavor!

Thank you so much for the part you have played in my life so far. As I think about my own personal wellness I am continually reminded of how blessed I have been with great friends and family that support me. Thank you. I would love to hear about what's happening in your life as well.

Blessings to you!

P.S. If you would like to learn more about my program check out the website:

Monday, December 5, 2011

Jack Frost

Jack Frost finally decided to visit Kansas. Last night as I went to get on my bike to ride home from a friend's house I noticed that my seat was covered in frost as well as my side mirror. I joked to my friends that I was going to need a ice scraper so I could see out of my mirror. It was chilly. Today I decided to bundle up and go for the bike ride to work. After arriving at work, my legs and fingers were numb, my glasses fogged over, and my core body sweaty. I have decided that I have an awesome down jacket that keeps my core nice and warm and zips right up to my nose, however, the rest of my body is lacking. The ride home tonight in the 25 degree cold into a strong north wind was simply ridiculous. Despite the cold, I'm going to grin and bear it because somebody has to start a revolution!

Get on those bicycles people. Save some gas money and burn those calories!

On other news regarding the weather it is making our community garden progress come to a halt. We have been waiting on a local business to haul some compost to our garden so that we can complete our first plowing of the ground. Today as I attempted to arrange alternative movers of the compost I was told that we will need weather of at least 40 degrees in order to effectively haul and dump compost. With it being so cold, the material sticks to the side of the dump truck bed and literally freezes in place making dumping the material impossible. With that being said, I think we're stuck and going to have to wait on Jack Frost to exit the scene for a while before we can do anything. Sad day, but what can we do?