Monday, December 26, 2011



I send you all the warmest holiday greetings and trust that you had a blessed Christmas day! Very soon we will be bringing in the New Year and with that excitement for the year of possibilities ahead. I write to you today to tell you about some exciting news in my life that I want to share with you.

Recently I have started studies at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. This is in New York City and while I have not moved to New York I am taking part in a year long online study right from my own home in Abilene, Kansas. I am studying to become a certified holistic health coach. This year program will equip me to start my own business and counsel clients to lead a healthier lifestyle. The options are really endless as far as what I could do with this certification. This is exciting; however, at this point I am uncertain where it will lead me. 

Currently, I am learning a background of over 100 different health ideas and gaining skills to set up my own business and counsel individual clients. As most of you already know, I have been involved in nutrition education for several years now and have been one of those food snobs for quite some time. I'm enjoying learning a lot about holistic health and how many different aspects of life affect our overall wellness. This includes a discussion of the importance of relationships, career satisfaction, physical activity, and spirituality as critical components to our health and wellness. 

I tell you all this because I hope to gain your support in this new endeavor. In the near future I will need to practice completing health histories which are the first step consultations we complete with prospective clients. If you are interested I would love to chat with you about your health and assist you in meeting your own wellness goals. Even if you never wish to receive my health encouragement, I accept your encouragement as I complete this new endeavor!

Thank you so much for the part you have played in my life so far. As I think about my own personal wellness I am continually reminded of how blessed I have been with great friends and family that support me. Thank you. I would love to hear about what's happening in your life as well.

Blessings to you!

P.S. If you would like to learn more about my program check out the website:

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