Sunday, April 11, 2010


My mom and I spent the entire day on Saturday slaving away on the chicken coop. I was pretty darn proud to see the accomplished four side wall frame all attached to the sled base. Tonight we put up a couple pieces of plywood and it is on the road to solid walls. Hopefully these next couple of evening will be enough to complete.
I have recently discovered that there are more rocks and gravel in our garden area than in our driveway. Something really must be done about this. I decided to pick them all out of the carrot/parsnip bed and that took quite a while. Darn gravel. Apparantely there used to be a granary and a road where the garden presently is. This would explain the gravel, but I want to know who decided to do that?

Anyway, we now have a row of turnips, beets, carrots, parsnips, and rainbow swiss chard all seeded into the garden. Mom and I also tackled a new installation of a strawberry bed this weekend. The strawberry plants I ordered a month and a half ago finally arrived after we acquired ample additional strawberries. This will bring the strawberry bed total to three! Can't wait but shall have to wait a couple of years to have strawberry bounty. Hopefully sometime before then I can master the strawberry jam.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, how about some pictures of the garden and Chicken House? About the gravel, I would say your Grandpa probably did that for the circle drive around the light pole. I think that pole is still there. Maybe not. Your Dad can explain what/where I mean. lol Can't wait to see all of this!!!
