Thursday, July 19, 2012

Go Walk America

Many of you know that this past spring I had the opportunity to travel from Gainesville, Florida to Atlanta, Georgia with Mr. Barrett Keene as he walks across the country on his mission to support orphaned and abandoned children. His specific walk, Go Walk America, has led him roughly half way across the United States so far and will continue to lead him to San Francisco as he meets with folks along the way to spread the word about the Global Orphan Project. Their work aids orphaned and abandoned children by providing school uniforms and orphan care as well as providing jobs for adults in those areas producing the uniforms in newly established sewing centers.

This past weekend I had the blessing of hosting Barrett and his current walking partner and van driver, Michael. As I speak they are entering the world of western Kansas, enduring the 105 degree repetitive daily temperatures that we are experiencing here. Yet even as I walked with them on Saturday across Dickinson County in the sweltering hot sun, Barrett's comment to me was, "Kansas isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be." I'm not sure what he was expecting but to hear that 100 degrees temps with no cloud cover and very few trees really isn't so bad I'm quite impressed. One can learn a lot from the interactions with this dude about the power of a positive attitude and a complete trust in God to provide daily needs. Every day is a new adventure and definitely provides stories worth writing home about. 

It was my joy to host Barrett and Michael in my own humble abode. I'm pretty proud to report that I successfully got Barrett to eat not only several meals including zucchini but even a breakfast frittata with swiss chard in it. Whoop! Whoop!

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