Sunday, December 20, 2009

Family Fun

Earlier this summer Tara had mentioned the thought of moving home so that she could save money for another trip to school. I think that I thought that humorous because we all know how much Tara and Dad are alike and how they can really only be together for so long before some kind of arguing occurs and usually Tara ends up leaving. Usually over not much, but they just both have such strong personalities that they collide sometimes. I have a personality more like Mom so I can usually tend to hide away and avoid conflict. I'm pretty sure I never thought it would actually happen, Tara likes her alone time. Well.....

This weekend we successfully moved Tara home. This time, being the eighth move?, I believe we had it pretty easy. God is so good and provided people to buy/take nearly all her furniture, so the move was really several trips to Goodwill, a few loads of clothes and random things, and then a bed and dresser. Not too bad. Tara and I agree that we are so super blessed to have parents, upon announcing our intentions of moving in for a while, maybe indefinitely, say okay. Luckily our house is big enough and the free land around here abundant enough for personal space at quick escape.

Although our family gatherings are small and usually just us, things are definitely never boring. This next semester with all four of us back in the house, things are bound to be interesting. My initial reaction upon finding out that Tara really was moving back home was to laugh. After I told Dad I thought it was hilarious and hearing his not so hilarious response, I decided that my response for the next 6 months or so adventure in this home would have to laughter. I mean laughter burns calories, it's good for everybody. I'm sure that there are bound to be a few family conferences that Tara and I hate to sit through, but we're family and we're experiencing community together. Sharing life, living and learning together. The family fun to be continued.

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