Friday, May 14, 2010

Closer than I thought

The local food movement is definitely closer than I thought. I had originally thought that the idea of growing all my own food, supporting other local producers and creating a network of farmers in this rural area devoted to producing quality healthful foods was a long way off. I mean in the middle of Kansas there are simply as many people doing market gardens as there are fingers on my hands. However, much to my surprise I recently found one right in my own backyard. Not my garden, but my neighbors less than two miles away are doing such a thing. I don't know how I've never met them, seen their garden or heard about these people doing what they can to live off the land. It was seriously one of the most exciting finds in a long time. I'm pumped to learn more from them and check out their garden. Tuesday night I grasped three heads of lettuce from them that are amazing. They also raise several different animals and have a great system of renewing the soil with organic fertilizer from them.

Wow. This news is exciting.....even if they put my garden to shame.

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