Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Feeling Crafty with a Soapbox

This past weekend I pulled out a few projects that I've been intending to complete for some time now and I actually completed them. I'm pretty excited about my new message center shown below. This project included an old frame that I had. I attached a simple piece of chicken wire to the back and voila!

These are my favorite children in the world. Aren't they precious!
Next up includes a couple of pillows created around the same time my t-shirt quilt was created. I had extra t-shirts that didn't make it into the quilt so I decided they would work well for small pillows. I stuffed them with my used drier sheet collection so they are pillows that smell good as well!

Recently, I had an interesting conversation with some friends regarding shopping and the holidays. I try to convince just about everybody that they should shop local as much as possible. I also feel free to tell everybody my personal opinion of Walmart as simply supporting a sweatshop in China. I understand we can't get everything in small town America but there are still many options to get great gifts that actually support the American economy and not Vietnam and/or Sri Lanka. If we support our local people and stay away from their markets maybe they can support themselves as well. Just a thought.

Here's a few shopping ideas:
  • Don't leave your own hometown. Shop local. Visit that random antique shop, jewelry store, or in our town amazing candle boutique. Keep your money in your own local economy. 
  • Consider practical gifts like: pre-paid oil changes, grocery store gift-card, massage gift, gym membership, etc. Once again, supporting local economy.
  • Visit Etsy, an online marketplace for handmade items including most everything imaginable. I even have a shop here, looks like I need to get to creating!
  • Support those lovely ladies around your town that sell items directly. It seems like everybody is selling MaryKay, Scentsy, Premier Jewelry, Princess House, or Tupperware nowadays. I know that most of this stuff is still produced in foreign lands, but at least you are supporting local people that receive a living wage to bring it to you.
  • Give a gift of time! This is my favorite, simply because studies have shown over and over that people are not happy because they have more stuff. They are happy because they have relationships with other people and feel love with others. Consider a dinner date gift or even a house-cleaning gift.
  • Get out your crafty fingers and make something extra special for those special to you. You know homemade craft items always made your mom proud when you were in elementary school, I'm certain they still make my mom proud today!
There's my soapbox. Now get to thinking outside the box this Holiday season!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amanda,
    Don't know if you remember who I am, but I was a dietetic intern while you lived at Smurthwaite and we are kinda related :) I just happened upon your blog- love it- looks like there are lots of great recipes and crafty projects on here- I am your newest follower!!
