Saturday, November 19, 2011

Wood Fashion Greatness

I have been a very happy diner the past couple of meals. Last evening I convinced a few of my friends to travel with me to Salina, KS to dine at a fabulous little cafe. They had never even heard of the place so it was quite a treat. I am always a little apprehensive about taking my friends to new places because I have such a different restaurant, food, flavor preference than the average person; however, I think they really enjoyed the experience and the great food. We went to Wood Fashion Cafe. It is honestly the only restaurant that I would personally choose to dine at and feel very good about my dining experience in this area. Check out their website to learn more, but they source almost all their ingredients locally. They also change the menu seasonally or whenever they feel like it. But honestly, there are so many different things to choose from on the menu, I could probably eat there everyday for a month and still have something different and excellent to dine on. Absolutely love it!

Here is what I dined on last night. An amazing spinach fettuccine with butternut squash and shitake mushrooms. I also enjoyed a lovely salad with an orange sage vinaigrette dressing. 

Then today I happened to visit the town of Salina again and went to eat at Wood Fashion Cafe with my parents. They have dined here before and also love it. Today I had a grilled salmon, spinach and cheese sandwich with rice and beans. Yum!

I might add that I am quite proud of myself for remembering to take pictures of my food before devouring it. After staring at my two dining selections, I'm realizing that my plates have not been filled with as many vegetables as they should. Guess I better get to eating my fruits and veggies for dinner. Nonetheless, these were quite healthful choices, sourced from local producers, and supported small town business owners. This is one happy camper signing off. 


  1. O yum. Sure wish we had a restaurant like this in Shawnee. :(( csl

  2. Found a recipe for the orange sage vinaigrette -

    Yeah, I'm caught up.... :)) csl

  3. Somewhere in my travels the past couple of weeks, I ran across oatmeal cookies with cranberries instead of raisins. Wonderful!!! :))

