My first evening arriving in New Hampshire at the Land Trust, I had the opportunity to attend the nearby pizza night. This occurs at Orchard Hill Breadworks, an amazing bakery in rural New Hampshire. The concept is simply amazing. Come for community mingle, bring your own toppings, get a pizza dough crust, bake it off, and eat it on the lawn surrounded by other great people. I was simply amazed. Here's how it went down....
Pay $3.50 for virtually an amazing experience. Get your pizza dough. Don't tear it.
Slap on some sauce. That might be a little too much.
Cheese please! Mmm. local mozzarella.
A few toppings make it unique. Fresh summer squash galore.
Master baker Noah slides it in the wood fired oven. Nice and toasty.
And it's grub time. Oh so good.
I chatted with some really cool people while waiting in line. People brought out their coolers and enjoyed a fabulous evening on the lawn with pizza. I really need to get to building my oven and hosting weekly pizza nights. I'm simply in love!