Friday, March 16, 2012


I got to spend some quality time Thursday exploring the town of Valdosta, Georgia. It had a very lovely downtown area with some fabulous buildings and really cute shops. I am just so impressed with the giant columns that seem to hold up the front of every building in the south. There is just something magical that happens when we slow down enough to walk places. This magic is found in observations that one cannot take when flying by in a vehicle. I must say that even when driving the van I tend to drive much slower so that I can take in all there is to see. This could be because we're trying to be gentle on the 94 dodge and I generally have plenty of time but seriously we miss so much when we're in a rush.

Here's an interesting story about the Red Door...I walked into a fabulous vintage store across the street and happened to hear the lady working talking on the phone. She was talking about how she had talked to somebody and they were about two miles from town and headed to town. She mentioned how she had told this person they were going to have to stop for lunch in town with her. I looked at her kinda funny because I was thinking seriously, she's talking about Barrett. She then says are you with him? So crazy! Dawn had seen the van earlier in the morning and had checked the website and had called B. She then arranged for us to have lunch at the Red Door where Barrett actually ended up doing two interviews for a local newspaper and an independent paper. Jessica really hooked us up at her adorable shop. It's just so great to see how God really provides in sometimes random ways, but we're so thankful for another opportunity to share the message.

- Grace and peace to you

1 comment:

  1. You sound like me when I first visited the northeast. It's like another world. I do envy the south for it's gorgeous flowers. Remember how pretty Aunt Ziba's yard was in Houston? Our pears, redbuds, and forsythia are trying to bloom, but are looking pretty wimpy,,,,still need more rain even though we had a good rain last week. I have an idea my daffodills are up underneath my burn pile that I still haven't burned from last fall. Just about done with taxes, then I can work on that. Hugs. csl
